Angling Club AGM
Tuesday 25th March 2025 at 7pm
Masonic Hall Lairg
All welcome
Lairg Angling Club is situated on the north side of Loch Shin about 1 mile west of the Sutherland village of Lairg. The Club have boats available for hire on 6 local lochs, LochShin, Loch Craggie, Loch Dola, Loch Beannach and Lochs Merkland and Ghriama.
The biggest of these lochs is Shin at over 17 miles long. (Lochs Merkland and Ghriama lie at the North end of Loch Shin).Trout in Loch Shin average 1/2 to 3/4 lb although there are some very large fish lurking in the depths and double figure trout are caught quite regularly. There is also the possibility of the occassional Salmon. Although primarily a fly fishing water, spinning and bait fishing are allowed on Shin although set lines are banned in common with most other fisheries. Both boat and bank fishing are allowed.
Loch Beannach lies to the northwest of Shin and contains a healthy stock of hard fighting brown trout averaging 3/4 lb. Fishing is by fly only and the use of petrol outboards are not allowed although electric outboards are permitted.Bank fishing is allowed although boat fishing seems to produce better results.
The jewel of our lochs is Loch Craggie which lies in the hills to the north of Lairg village on Challenger Estate, the boat is only available to club members. A magical place when the Mayfly hatch is on with fish averaging 1 lb + . No petrol outboards or bank fishing allowed.
Loch Dola is another wonderful Loch to fish which is also situated within the boundary of Challenger Estate.
The Club has now secured fishing on Loch Merkland and loch a' Ghriama.
The club runs fly only competitions throughout the season including the very popular 1 day Highland Wild Brown Trout Challenge, (Sponsored by COOKE Aquaculture) and the Shin Open (Sponsored by Sallachy Estate)